This is the smash hit video on YouTube!
If you have seen the most viewed videos page on YouTube, you must know that this 'humble' video stay on no.2 Most Watched YouTube Videos Off All Time behind Avril Lavigne's vidclip, with 112,000,000 viewers (at this moment I'm writing this on)!
The video shows American comedian Judson Laipply showed his dance skills (taken from music's most memorable dances) in 6 minutes. I know that the first question will arise the first time you see the video? So, what is so special from this 'ordinary' video? Why that it beaten other famous videos such as... You name it yourself! The answer is... I dont' know either! :-)
Amazing statistic of this video (today, 2nd February 2009) :
Viewers : 112,551,557
Ratings : 478,585
Comments : 291,658
Video Responses : 2,017
So, what do you think about this video? deserved to be on that position or not?